Reviews of
Honor & Respect
“A name pronounced is the recognition of the individual to whom it belongs. He who can pronouce my name aright, he can call me, and is entitled to my love and service.
— Henry David Thoreau 1817-1862: A Week in the Concord and Merricmack Rivers, 1849
Ensure proper address with the new, authoritative resource Honor & Respect: The Official Guide to Names, Titles, and Forms of Address . Certified by the Protocol School of Washington®, this is the indispensable reference for everyone who demands correct comportment.
“One doesn’t need to update this type of reference often, but this one is made to last and well worth the price. An essential purchase for all libraries” — Library Journal
——-(Reviewing for Library Journal print and on-line editions)
Honor & Respect is a “must have”
Robert Hickey is the foremost authority in the United States when it comes to the best information you can use regarding titles and forms of address. He correctly gives us everything we need to know to address anyone in the world when writing a letter, introducing one person to another or to understand the rank of office a person holds both in the United States and internationally.
Honor & Respect is a “must have” valuable guide for everyone who does business in the United States and internationally, connects with the armed forces, clergy, government, friends and social events. Every office and library should have copy of this book! Especially in our changing world when it is more important than ever to know how to address people properly.
— Ambassador Mary Mel French
— Chief of Protocol for the United States 1997-2001
… his vast knowledge of diplomacy and protocol delivers a five-star guide.
Robert Hickey’s Honor & Respect is the most comprehensive reference for appropriate titles, forms of address and honorifics. Hickey’s third edition additionally provides style guidelines, supplementary examples and revised formulae that recognize and attend to current day convention. Once again, his vast knowledge of diplomacy and protocol delivers a five-star guide.
— Ambassador Capricia Penevic Marshall
— Chief of Protocol for the United States 2009-2013
… an indispensable resource for government officials, businesspeople, and academics alike
— Ambassador Peter Selfridge
— Chief of Protocol for the United States 2014-2017
“Need Guidance on Proper Forms of Address or Making Formal Introductions?”
Come on by and check it out!
—–— North Carolina Legislative Library, Raleigh
“an important slice of American life that sociologists especially will value for generations to come”
Robert Hickey’s Honor and Respect is the source we turn to at The Emily Post Institute for detailed information on using names and titles appropriately. Not only does Hickey offer history for each term, but his examples are also a huge aid in figuring out what can sometimes be complex constructions and variations on titles that can confuse even the people holding them! This book is not just a wonderful and impressive resource, it’s an important slice of American life that sociologists especially will value for generations to come.” .
——–— Lizzie Post, co-president, the Emily Post Institute & author with Daniel Post Senning Emily Post Etiquette, the Centennial Edition
“If it took him seven years to write it I think it may just take me 14 years to learn it!”
I approach Robert Hickey’s book with a profound respect for all of the knowledge it contains and wonder if I will ever grasp all of it! I have committed an hour each day to studying and am energized by what I am learning. If it took him seven years to write it I think it may just take me 14 years to learn it.
——–— Trina Sams-Manning, Protocol Consultant, Washington, DC
Robert Hickey author of “Honor & Respect”
Robert Hickey author of “Honor & Respect”
“This book is an essential to anyone who works with government or military personnel.”
“… a must-have reference for all organizations with international affiliations …”
Comprehensive and covering a full scope of correspondence and conversational-related guidelines, it is a must-have reference for all organizations with international affiliations. Indeed, Honor & Respect is more than just a reference book for those interacting with local officials or foreign heads of state. It is a collection of knowledge, which enables one to ascertain information on terms and definitions, as well as complete instructions for using appropriate styles, correct salutations, and proper closings for all correspondence. Useful in both business and social situations, this easy-to-reference format provides instruction for those who want to put proper protocol and forms of address into practice.
— Sara Ahmed, NCIV Network News, November 2008
— National Council for International Visitors, Washington, DC
“if you want a detailed, comprehensive, and up-to-date guide to names, titles, and forms of address—one that does not begin and end with the standard U.S. officials—there is no better source than Honor & Respect.”
— American Association of Law Libraries
——-— Sarah Yates, University of Minnesota Law Library.
——-(Reviewing for American Association of Law Libraries print and on-line)
——-Link to the full review from AALL
Robert Hickey author of “Honor & Respect”
Robert Hickey author of “Honor & Respect”
“a helpful guide … intricately researched”
——-— Anna Gawel, “The Diplomatic Pouch”, The Washington Diplomat
“Robert Hickey’s book … is an invaluable resource”
——-— Chris Young, President, PDI-POA
—-_—Former president, Protocol and Diplomacy International – Protocol Officers Association
“I recommend this book to every law firm, bank, university, and especially, government contractor, with whom I consult”
—–— Susan Fitter Sloane, Manners, Etiquette, Protocol, and Social Skills Consultant
Robert Hickey author of “Honor & Respect”
Robert Hickey author of “Honor & Respect”
“I keep it at arm’s length an refer to it whenever I need a clear definitive solution to an important question”
—–— Jay H. Remer, Jr.
—–Corporate International Protocol and Etiquette Consultant, St. Andrews, New Brunwick, Canada
“The bible of protocol/etiquette”
—–— Tallulah, the Traveling Twilly
“This book can be your guide to doing it correctly”
—–— Lanie Denslow, former president of the Protocol Officers Associaiton (PDI-POA)
Robert Hickey author of “Honor & Respect”
Robert Hickey author of “Honor & Respect”